What’s the problem?
With the inquiry into section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, there is a significant risk that these laws may be watered down. Section 18C of the RDA is essential in securing the rights of Australians to live in the absence of racial discrimination.
Presently, there are various isolated campaigns being run by tens of faith, cultural, ethnic, political, and academic groups. To the extent we feasibly can merge behind one coalition, we will significantly boost the power and credibility of the call to Protect 18C.
What’s the Coalition?
The Coalition to Protect 18C is a national alliance which represents the vast majority of Australians united to advance Australia by building a strong and harmonious community. The Coalition is against any amendment to section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. The Coalition has formed to galvanise Australia in support of the laws which affirm our deeply held multicultural values.
The Coalition is composed of a range organisations, representing the breadth of Australia’s civil society.
The purpose of the Coalition is to discourage the government from weakening or hamstringing section 18C.
The work of the Coalition
In response to the inquiry, the Coalition collectively organised a groundswell of community groups largely in Victoria to demonstrate the strength of support for the retention of 18C. A joint submission to the inquiry was prepared and endorsed by over 100 community organisations. More on our submission can be found here, here, here, and was covered on SBS and elsewhere too. The submission itself can be found here.
Now that the inquiry is reviewing submissions, the Coalition will be involved in direct advocacy with various MPs and senators. The Coalition may also be activated for joint action consisting of:
- Community initiatives, including forums, meetings, events and briefings to educate and galvanise our communities.
- A drive for PR and media attention.
- A powerful online and social media campaign.
We are stronger together
No one community or organisation in isolation is powerful enough to protect 18C. We cannot do this alone.
Join Australia’s leading coalition to promote and secure our harmonious society.
Michael Fisher 0424331156 michaelf@ajjs.com.au
So far the following organisations have signed on to advance the Coalition
Afro-Australian Student Organisation
Australasian Union of Jewish Students
Buddhist Council of Victoria
The Incubate Foundation
Islamic Council of Victoria
Jewish Community Council of Victoria
Muslim Legal Network
Pax Christi
Australia Sikh Interfaith Council
UNESCO Chair in Interreligious and Intercultural Relations
Uniting Church of Australia,
Synod of VicTas
Vietnamese Community of Australia (Vic)