By Ugly
Those who don’t accept that Australia is drying up and facing the worst drought in memory should get off their climate warming denial. What else do they need to see to get it?
Real Australian communities are running out of good drinking water. Getting water has long been a struggle for some. After all, we do live in the world’s driest inhabited continent. But what is happening now is on another scale.
New communities are facing having to ship in this precious commodity. It has been made even worse by having to use some the water on hand to fight the bushfires, another effect of global warming and the consequent drying of the continent.
The double whammy is hitting residents of south and east Queensland, where the dwindling supply has now been switched off. Locals are having to drive and hour to get water.
It’s not only Queensland. It is happening as far south as Tasmania. The east coast is being hit and Hobart looks like soon having water restrictions.
It is not only townspeople who are being affected. Farmers are xperiencing their water being rationed. Produce will be affected, and this will hurt livelihoods and the economy.
There are also potential health consequences. A lack of clean and running water means rising risks of contamination and therefore rising water born illnesses. Dead animals make it worse still, and this is only the beginning.
At Canungra, the local water treatment plant had to be shut down. Residents have had to rely on getting water out of the local creek, where the level has nearly run dry in the last few days. Water is now being tanked in
As the sites needing water multiply, it becomes an increasingly logistical nightmare to service everyone. At what point will it all break down?
As Australia continues to warm, water shortages will increase until it becomes a major national disaster.
It is high time that this be considered a national priority. A great deal needs to be done, to play a positive role in lowering the carbon footprint and developing sustainable practices.
Australia has no other option but to develop a plan for rational water conservation and usage.

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